Someone created an account (profile not yet published).
RC expressed interest in the Assistant Producers opportunity offered by Tom Foster.
Alfie Alexander updated the Sound Designer opportunity offering Undecided, to be discussed.
MV expressed interest in the Sound Designer opportunity offered by Alfie Alexander.
Martin Viktorov updated their profile.
Martin Viktorov published their profile.
DF expressed interest in the DOP opportunity offered by Mark Bowsher.
Dareen Shaheen published the Sketch project.
HD expressed interest in the Editor opportunity offered by Mahesh Madhu Naidu.
HD expressed interest in the Editor opportunity offered by an unpublished profile.
Someone created an account (profile not yet published).
Rachael Fay updated their profile gallery.
Guenevere Lambert updated the Mustard project cover image.
Guenevere Lambert updated the Mustard project cover image.
CW followed up their expression of interest in the Actor | Granny opportunity offered by an unpublished profile.
Guenevere Lambert updated the Mustard project gallery.
Tom Foster responded to an expression of interest from AH in the Assistant Producers opportunity.
Someone created an account (profile not yet published).
AH followed up their expression of interest in the Assistant Producers opportunity offered by Tom Foster.
Someone created an account (profile not yet published).