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Project Updated  3 September 2024

Jason Bailey updated the Hippo project.

Project Version Updated  3 September 2024

Jason Bailey updated their version of the Hippo project.

Opportunity Updated  3 September 2024

Sheherazade Bodin updated the Producer opportunity on the the A broken bird project offering Undecided, to be discussed.

Credit Accepted  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles accepted a credit from Abigail Martin on the Perfect project as Sound Recordist.

Position Accepted  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles accepted a position from Evan Preston on the Suong project as Sound Recordist.

Profile Updated  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles updated their profile.

Opportunity Posted  3 September 2024

Ashley Porciuncula posted the Film Reviewers opportunity on the the Mission Plan: Charlie Foxtrot project offering Undecided, to be discussed.

Team Member Credited  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles credited Steve Huggins on The Gentleman Farmer project as Actor.

Team Member Credited  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles credited an unpublished profile on The Gentleman Farmer project as Sound Recordist.

Project Gallery Updated  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles updated The Gentleman Farmer project gallery.

Project Cover Image Updated  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles updated The Gentleman Farmer project cover image.

Project Published  3 September 2024

Nathan Powles published The Gentleman Farmer project.

Brand Profile Updated  3 September 2024

The Blue Moon brand profile was updated by Michael McCall.

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