Sarah Wingrove updated their profile.
Sarah Wingrove updated their profile pic.
Abigail Louise responded to an expression of interest from LC in the Actor | Marcus , Dr Newman, David, Kate opportunity.
Abigail Louise responded to an expression of interest from TO in the Actor | Marcus , Dr Newman, David, Kate opportunity.
Sarah Wingrove updated their profile pic.
Jody Barnard updated their profile.
JC followed up their expression of interest in the Casting Call: Step-In Dads for Contemporary Art Project opportunity offered by Raina Monteith.
Raina Monteith responded to an expression of interest from JC in the Casting Call: Step-In Dads for Contemporary Art Project opportunity.
JC followed up their expression of interest in the Casting Call: Step-In Dads for Contemporary Art Project opportunity offered by Raina Monteith.
Emily Edwards updated their profile.
Emily Edwards responded to an expression of interest from DC in the Actor | Kalea opportunity on the Kilo project.
TO followed up their expression of interest in the Actor | Marcus , Dr Newman, David, Kate opportunity offered by Abigail Louise.
Elias Hawkins updated their profile gallery.
Elias Hawkins updated their profile.
Elias Hawkins published the "la vie en rose" project.
Elias Hawkins published the Sketch My Head project.
Elias Hawkins published the Over and Over project.
Elias Hawkins updated their profile.
Elias Hawkins updated their profile pic.
Someone created an account (profile not yet published).