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Alan Stronaut Houston, United States

Alan is a demo Tabb account used during tutorials. Check out his account to see what you can do with your profile and Tabb Solo!

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Playing age:

35 to 50 years


5' 6" (1.68m)

Body type:




In this section, you can add as much additional info as you like! Users who are tagged as models or actors will have the extra information seen above.

Talk about yourself, your career or your company in more detail.  This is also a good spot to mention projects or terms that you'd like to boost your search engine ranking with.

With Pro, You have extra formatting options, perfect for adding things such as:

  • Lists!
  • Awards - and relevant info
  • Links!

Discuss and link directly to projects or crowd-funders! Links can also be added to projects themselves if you'd like visitors to be directed somewhere in particular.

P.S: Tabb Pro members can also customise their URL, such as

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