"We Real Cool" is a short documentary series highlighting Black men in various stages of healing.
"We Real Cool" (An allude on both Gwendolyn Brooks' poem and bell hooks' collection of essays,) is a four part short documentary series highlighting Black men in various stages of healing. in all four profiles, the men will speak on their emotional intelligence, mental and physical health while reflecting on their promising futures. In episode one, we chat with Freddy Escobores, an outgoing soul who at 37, suffered a heart attack. Deadly ailments such as congestive heart failure and strokes lead to many premature deaths amongst Black/Hispanic men, and in the Black community overall, mainly due to lifestyle choices & heredity.
Director of Photography: Michelene Mallard - Billy
Photography: Mougabé Saint Louis
Personal Photos by: Freddy Escobores
Working in multimedia production, we wear many hats in order to make your vision reality. We are flexible as we understand what it takes to produce a work of art. Like Geppetto to Pinocchio, we are determined to bring your ideas to life.
A Filmmaker By Our People, For Our People.