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T.W.A.T.S (TV comedy)

This mockumentary is centred around the “Tunbridge Wells Amateur Theatrical Society”; or the TWATS for short.

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When theatrical society founder, Evadna Sweep organises for LJ productions to come and make a fly on the wall documentary series, we witness the re-branding, the audition process and the carnage which ensues over the next 8 weeks.

Having been in the industry for many many years, seedy, washed up has-been actor, Dick Dangerfield takes it upon himself to head the team in his directorial début which, ironically turns out to be more of a swan song. Much to Evadna’s surprise, every single thing has been documented; the good the bad the ugly. There is not one thing about this team of mismatched hooligans that we don’t witness; from the re-branding to the collation of new cast members; the auditions, the successes, the processes, the peaks, the failures, the tears, the tantrums, the scandals, the punch ups, the sex, drugs and rock n’ roll.

Dick Dangerfield’s trusty cast and crew are made up of a plethora of different people, who combine new ideas and up-to-date themes with a modern day “Carry On” feel. From Lorraine the musical director, a clumsy and ditsy middle aged woman who’s favourite past time is creating jingles and theme tunes for an array of different situations; to Ronald and Samuel, the flamboyant heads of set and costume who take pride in creating outrageous pieces... and of course Nutty Nigel, the egotistical stage manager who is often seen shouting or moaning about something or other; TWATS is a modern and modest sitcom with a retro tone.

Then of course there are the actors; Camilla, a sixty-something lesbian with a drinking problem, who’s strong feminist views land her in many an argument. Tarquin, the resident drag artist who’s shy and awkward persona is shed once “Tara” appears on stage and George; the most talented of all the TWATS although easily overlooked. Meet these and many more as we journey along with LJ productions, learning what it really takes to be a TWAT.

We see the real people behind their fake personas, the get-togethers and the break-ups. We see how both friendships and feuds are formed and just how incredible a bunch of TWATS can be. With a hilarious mix of dry humour, witty one liners and slapstick, TWATS is a nuanced and contemporary piece with a spattering of side-eye and double entendres.


Actor - Lead | Dick
(Any gender or age)

Role status:

Closed on 14 October, 2023

In return for:

Paid, fee to be discussed


Based in Bristol/Cardiff/London, United Kingdom

About the role

Dick Dangerfield is an insufferable person. An unsavoury character to say the least. This has-been, washed up actor has been around the block a few times and won’t let anyone forget it! Constantly name dropping whenever he gets the chance, Dick’s favourite past acquaintances include; Rodger Moore, Bert Reynolds and Sean Connery to name a few...

... until we find out he has simply been an extra in everything he’s ever worked on.

This dirty letch of a character is nothing more than a failed actor who uses his past as a way to pursue younger women; always to no avail. Despite spinning everyone a yarn about his fame and fortune, Dick lives above a shop with his elderly Mother and drives an old allegro car, which his Dad le him 30 years ago and which he refers to as “a classic”.

Age: 50 to late 60s

Location: Flexible, ideally Bristol, London or with availability to travel - but we will consider applications from further afield. 

About the project

TWATS is a queer-written, modern mockumentary centered around the Tunbridge Wells Amateur Theatrical Society - or the TWATS for short.

With an array of strong and diverse characters, conflicts and clashes are bound to occur - but TWATS manages to balance humour with authentically telling the story of not only marginalised communities, but a long-misunderstood art form too. 

Our show follows the lives of our TWATS and the shenanigans they get up to on a weekly basis, as we see them prepare for their big performance at the end of their eight weeks practice.

Initial filming will take place at the end of October for one day - where we will be filming a proof-of-concept scene from the show, as well as marketing materials for a no-holds-barred Guerrilla Marketing fundraising and press campaign. We will be using the proceeds of this campaign to bring our full Pilot episode to life, in its best possible form, around mid-November to December time. Dick will be prominently featured in the episode - and in the full series, if it's picked up or secures enough funding. 

This initial filming is paid, fee to be discussed.

Please apply through Tabb or by emailing with examples of your past work and your availability. 

Express Interest

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