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Twelfth Day (Feature film)

Distant siblings Gwen and Susie come together for an eventful yet strained weekend to partake in a treasure hunt left for them by their late mother.

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Feature film written and directed by Vicki Helyar. Currently in edit.


Actor (Jane)
(Female, 16 to 20 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 20 January, 2021

In return for:

Partnership (profit share + expenses)


Based in Langport, United Kingdom

JANE: A spoilt brat. Late teens, very well spoken, middle class English, any race.

The role of Jane is for a one-off but very pivotal and funny scene in the film, a fight between her and her mother Marjorie after Marjorie has slept with Gwen (the films' protagonist).

JANE has had everything in life go her way. She is extremely privileged and very selfish. She was devastated by her parents break-up and, though her dad had multiple affairs and her Mum Marjorie was faithful, Jane has taken the break-up out on her Mum.
Now that Marjorie has slept with Gwen, Jane is incensed with rage and disgust at her mother’s ‘antics’, having a hissy fit and picking a fight with Marjorie outside a village fete, joined by Gwen and her sister Susie. The whole thing is witnessed by aghast villagers.

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