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Peace among enemies film project

A man with multiple personality disorder hires himself to kill off his other personalities to cure him, at the expense of his own humanity.

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This is a film I'm directing for my 1st year final project. It is done in the style of a french new wave cinema piece; inspired by works such as breathless and un chien andalou. The narrative is quite non-linear; the tension and story itself will be conveyed mostly through the visuals and music, rather than the actual dialogue and action of characters.

This is a short film and so will only last around 10 minutes maximum, which will require only 2 days of shooting on locations across Bristol. Expenses for travel will not be covered so being local would be preferable, but not required.


(Any gender or age)

Role status:


In return for:

Undecided, to be discussed


1 day

Time frame is subject to change, however will preferably take place next week from 7/12 - 13/12; depending on availability of equipment and actors.


Can work remotely

The 'girlfriend' of the main character. She is actually a physical manifestation of his subconscious; she'll seem like a very sweet girl at the start, but turns manipulative as the main character's mind slowly becomes more vulnerable. She needs to be sweet, seductive and creepy.

This will only need 1 day of shooting because the girlfriend is needed for 1 scene only. Acting experience is not required, but preferred.

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