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Equifino (Branding, 2021)

We were approached by an Accountancy start-up to create a fresh new style. They had some brand values but wanted us to inject the creativity. Equifino was born!

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Equifino were the first business to take us up on our Start-Up Package.

When Paul Netto asked us to help his business find its brand identity we started off by taking the time to really understand what it was that he wanted his company to represent (all part of our fact-finding-getting-to-know-you exercise!). He had a clear outline of his brand values and shared these during the briefing process in order for us come-up with some concepts for his new business.

The whole project included a company naming exercise followed by competition visual style analysis, this helped inform our selection for fonts and a colour palette. We were then able to produce a logo, business stationery (including contactless business cards!), a virtual meeting background and email signature. All this came with a set of brand guidelines to ensure these and all future communications can be delivered in a consistent brand style.

Does this sound like something that your business needs? 

All of our packages are flexible and can be paid for by prior agreement over 6 to 12 months by Direct Debit via our payment provider. Go check-out our landing page for more details: and then book a discovery call with us.

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Rich Kersey Bristol, United Kingdom

We create beautiful branding and bespoke motion graphics to explain products or services. Transforming complexity into understanding for your audience. 🤖 🚀

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