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At Long Last (Short film, 2023)

A young woman discovers notes hidden in books left by her late father.

Full Project Team and Needs


Sound Mixer

Role status:

Closed on 05 October, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)

- Our undying loyalty - Credit included in the film, on Tabb and IMDb. - Paid tickets to the premiere and networking event, Blue Moon. (Watershed, Bristol)


We're aiming to get the film out in time for Blue Moon! (Sunday, 8th October!) Incredibly short notice, I know!


Can work remotely

Short notice call out for a sound mixer! | Save our short!

Hey all!

We've recently finished a ~7-minute short, with the cast and crew being community members here on Tabb! There's an opportunity to premiere the film at the Watershed (in Cinema 1!), during the Blue Moon event next week but our sound mix isn't quite finished.

It would be a shame to miss the spot so we're hoping that someone would be willing to jump in and save us at the last minute.

The edit is completed, however, the the final half of the film needs some level and syncing adjustments. There are currently some silent spots that would greatly benefit from atmospheric/environmental sounds. 

If you're a sound mixer, your support would be greatly appreciated. We can offer a credit on Tabb, IMDb, and tickets to the premiere next week.

If this would interest you, please drop me a message or express interest below. We'd love to hear from you!

Express Interest

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