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Achilles' Paw (Stage, 2018)

Nerds must. A time-travelling comedy about relationships, a cat, and cardboard boxes.

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I know this sounds stupid. But. It.

(she looks pained)

(blurts out)

It still doesn’t look like a time machine does it?

(she laughs awkwardly, hoping she hasn’t offended him).


Of course not! If it DID, someone would want to steal it! No one would be stupid enough to steal this would they?

(Dorothy agrees, smiling awkwardly)

I’m nervous too. Who wouldn’t be? We’re taking a leap into the TRUE unknown.

(Holds arms out and declaims)

The FUTURE! No more austerity. No more Tesco. No more Greggs. Just a brave new world.


(smiles briefly, then stops)

But what if it ISN’T a brave new world? What if it’s just the same as this?


Only more so.

(Dave starts to lose patience)

Ten times more austerity. Ten times more Tesco. Ten times more Greggs. Oh!

(retches, and puts her hand over her mouth)

The gristle! The gristle!

Dave has built a time machine. He thinks. Dorothy wants to travel with him. She thinks. But where does the true unknown lie? Why does Dave keep looking at his watch? And just what is it about Achilles' paw?

The players:

  • Stephanie Harte is an actor, performer and storyteller. She trained at Drama Centre London and Regents School of Drama, Film & Media . Film credits include The Library and Vandalis. Theatre credits: 'Daughter of the Forest' (Komola Collective).
  • Joshua Phillips:

Andrzej Wawrowski Bristol, United Kingdom

I am creative scribbler specialising in dark comedy drama as part of Soul Cake Theatre in Bristol.

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