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Profile Updated 28 August 2024

Ian Sciacaluga updated their profile.

Profile Pic Updated 28 August 2024

Ian Sciacaluga updated their profile pic.

Account Created 27 August 2024

Someone created an account (profile not yet published).

Event Booked 27 August 2024

Adam Healey booked on to the Filmmakers' Shindig Featuring Gabia Bania , 27 August, 2024 event.

Expression of Interest Followed Up 27 August 2024

GR followed up their expression of interest in the Stop Motion Animator, Fabricator opportunity offered by Dr Nigel Smith.

Profile Updated 27 August 2024

Ian Sciacaluga updated their profile.

Interest Expressed 27 August 2024

SB expressed interest in the Director opportunity offered by Natalie Tsvetkova on the DarkGame project.

Expression of Interest Responded To 27 August 2024

Dr Nigel Smith responded to an expression of interest from GR in the Stop Motion Animator, Fabricator opportunity.

Profile Updated 27 August 2024

Gemma Rigg updated their profile.

Interest Expressed 27 August 2024

GR expressed interest in the Stop Motion Animator, Fabricator opportunity offered by Dr Nigel Smith.

Event Booked 27 August 2024

Neil Oliver Maggs booked on to the Filmmakers' Shindig Featuring Gabia Bania , 27 August, 2024 event.

Expression of Interest Responded To 27 August 2024

Keith Turner responded to an expression of interest from LU in the Actor | Jules opportunity on the Ex-Rental project.

Account Created 26 August 2024

Someone created an account (profile not yet published).

Event Booked 26 August 2024

Dr Nigel Smith booked on to the Filmmakers' Shindig Featuring Gabia Bania , 27 August, 2024 event.

Event Booked 26 August 2024

Sadbh booked on to the Filmmakers' Shindig Featuring Gabia Bania , 27 August, 2024 event.

Opportunity Updated 26 August 2024

Dr Nigel Smith updated the Stop Motion Animator, Fabricator opportunity offering Partnership (unpaid).

Account Created 25 August 2024

Someone created an account (profile not yet published).

Opportunity Posted 25 August 2024

Sandra Cole posted the Actor | Sebastian opportunity on the the Twelfth Night project offering Partnership (unpaid).

Opportunity Posted 25 August 2024

Sandra Cole posted the Actor | Sir Aguecheek opportunity on the the Twelfth Night project offering Partnership (unpaid).

Project Published 25 August 2024

Sandra Cole published the Twelfth Night project.

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