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Tinotenda Jenami Birmingham, United Kingdom

Never look back in anger, always look forward in hope

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Playing age:

16 to 25 years


5' 8" (1.73m)

Body type:




My full name is Tinotenda Jenami which means 'grateful' in shona, I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to Birmingham, UK when I was three years old. My hobbies are football, travelling, painting and drawing. I studied Art and Design in Bournville College for two and a half years with an Extended diploma. My goals is to become an actor because it is a lifelong career and it's the only way to express myself. I took acting classes in Blue Orange Theatre for a year to learn about improvisation and live performances to help me boost my confidence and pursue a career in playing supporting/leading roles. My favourite actors are Samuel L Jackson, Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando, Denzel Washington and Leonardo DiCaprio.

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