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Ruth Vlismas Bath, United Kingdom

28-year-old creative with a passion for sound design and musical forms. Striving to push boundaries and scoot around the conventional.

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I've worked with sound and music for over 10 years now, starting with a BTEC in Music Technology at college to a BA in Music Production and most recently an MA in Sound Design. Prior to this I also played the flute and piano from a young age. While in school, I experimented with some elementary electronic music computer software which ignited my love for electronic composition and manipulation of audio.

For my master's degree major project, I honed in on the prospect of sound consultancy during pre-production. This involved analysing scripts to interpret how sound and music could be used in the narrative or to influence it going forward into production and post-production. This is an excellent way of developing these ideas from the early stages of production considering how vital both sound and music are to the finished article in order to support the narrative and to convey emotion. 

My goal has always been to do something unconventional and daring to stand out from the crowd by having a different approach to sound and music. This is particularly true as a female in a male-dominated section of the industry and I would love to be an inspiration and encourage more women to be a part of it.

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