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Red Robin Films London, United Kingdom

At Red Robin we strive to produce the most polished cinematic content possible. With our robust script-to-screen model, and with our extensive rolodex of contacts, our ambition is our achievement.

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Founded in 2020, Red Robin Films is the production entity under which Kieran Lowley and Isobel Drane now release all of their work. Formerly Kieran Lowley Production (2016-2020), Izzy and Kieran felt their standard of work is deserving of a unifying title.

At Red Robin Films we like to keep as much in-house as possible. Our resident co-writers and co-directors, Isobel Drane and Kieran Lowley, oversee every facet of the production pipeline. We can offer solutions to almost anything, including writing, directing, lighting and DoP, editing, VFX (3D and 2.5D) and colour, as well as data wrangling and asset organisation. Our extensive rolodex of contacts, ranging from standard areas such as music composition and sound design, to specialist areas like stop motion animation, allow us to provide high-end finessing factors to make your, and our, projects sing. We truly offer a script-to-screen experience, where your vision can become a reality without the need for extensive outsourcing.