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Role status:

Closed on 03 May, 2022

In return for:

Undecided, to be discussed

Food & drink provided on filming days

Start date:

18 May, 2022


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

I've written a script for a short experimental film that I'm going to direct.

It's about a girl who has to come to terms with her stage fright as she is tasked to give a speech in front of a large audience.

It will combine live-action and animation.

I need a producer to help me with the budget, location scouting and casting (will help with the latter too). Looking to apply for BFI funding which closes on the 2nd of May. Or help with running a fundraising campaign.

The script is complete with a vision board - I'm looking to shoot this August.

Currently unpaid but this depends on how much funding is acquired. At the very least expenses will be paid.

Express Interest

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