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Music Video (Music video)

Looking for videographers interested in filming a professional music video.

Profile for Kat Endacott
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Currently recording my debut EP about the effects of domestic abuse within relationships, and the aftermath. I have linked a moodboard of the vibe I'm going for visually.



Role status:

Closed on 08 March, 2020

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)

You will be fully credited with the release pack of the EP, and if all goes well then there's the possibility of (paid) collaboration in the future.


1 day from 23 March, 2020

Depending on the complexity of the music video then it could take a couple days longer than initially anticipated.


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

I'm currently recording my debut EP and I've been thinking of releasing a music video to go alongside it. If you're interested in building your portfolio and want some experience in filming a music video then let me know :)

Express Interest

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