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Whisk-taker (Short film)

A short romantic comedy about a man who is attracted to a woman and he tries to win her by lying to her about who he really is.

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5 supporting actors
(Any gender or age)

Role status:


In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

Food & drink, expenses


1 day from 04 April, 2019

House scene: 4th of April (Thursday) / Cooking class scene: 5th of April (Friday)


Based in Bath, United Kingdom

In the cooking class:
DANNY - A friend of James in cooking class (FILLED)
SARAH - Danny's wife
TEACHER - The teacher of the cooking class (FILLED)
CHELSEA - A new girl James meets in the ending (FILLED)

In the house:
NEIGHBOUR - when Alice realised that James lied to her that he owned the house (FILLED)

*All supporting roles are only needed in one scene, ideally we would be able to film it all in one day.

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