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Whatstick Theatre's Isolation Series - Episode 2 (Video game, 2020)

Pick an object. Any object. Tell me about it. Share its significance with the world.

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As we face lockdown and anxieties surrounding the spread of global pandemic COVID-19 increase, contemporary interdisciplinary collective whatstick theatre invite you to ISOLATE with us. Using public responses to provocations released online every three days, in collaboration with several sound designers, composers and visual artists we are creating a series of short video installations which explore ideas of isolation and togetherness and our relationship with internal and external worlds during this time. (22/10/2020)

Jack McCartney Manchester, United Kingdom

Media Composer with particular experience in scoring films, games and advertisements. First Class MusB Music graduate from The University of Manchester and soon to be Composer postgraduate student at the National Film and Television School.

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