Spirituality in an ordinary modern life, Vernada is a short romantic & philosophical drama exploring two people who experience a connection beyond the physical.
Please don't hesitate to contact me through the project email (find it in my DETAILS) for the full script, proposed rehearsal dates, role queries and any other occurring questions. A prototype has been filmed and is also available upon request.
Travel expenses will be paid and food provided.
He is preferably from White European descent. Playing age: 25 or 26 years old.
PHD Microbiology student. Straight-forward with his manners. Not expressive with his face or body language however, looks and sounds relaxed. Has a clear but not cutting voice. Becomes Vernada’s companion. He is the main male character and appears in 8 out of 11 scenes.
Please express interest for the full script, audition tapes, proposed rehearsal dates and any other occurring questions. A prototype has been filmed and is also available upon request.
The audition excerpt can be found under the Supporting Documents headers.
Express Interest