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Time and Time Again (Short film)

Struggling with her failing relationship, an alcoholic time-traveller attempts to revisit the their final moments while wrestling with her obsession of control.

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After an argument with her partner, Thomas, Max attempts to travel back to the moments before the initial conflict started to try and avoid the row and gain back control. Despite this, Max continues to reach the same resolution; ultimately deciding to return to the day they met, to ensure that their relationship never happens. While apparently successful, Thomas still discovers Max’s identity, leaving him open to meet her at another time, and possibly allowing their relationship to begin again, but on a path free from her control.


Lead Actor (MAX)
(Female, 22 to 28 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 13 October, 2019

In return for:

Paid, fee to be discussed

Expenses and some compensation of time can be offered. Food will also be provided for all shoots!


4 days from 28 October, 2019


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Medium, slim build with a well-groomed appearance. Neat and natural.
Despite her well-to-do attitude, she suffers heavily from a drinking problem, which is increased by anxiety and her fear of not being in-control. After years of becoming used to being able to control the ebb and flow of time to achieve what she wants, Max becomes disgruntled by her inability to control Thomas and ultimately, her relationship.

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