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THE THREE COUNTIES CHALLENGE - Short Film Script Competition

3 finalists will have their film sponsored by filmmakers & production companies in Hants, Dorset & Sussex. Video of 2016 event by 2016 winner Ida Frank

Profile for Film Expo South


Editors, Scriptwriters

Role status:

Closed on 03 February, 2017

In return for:

Paid, fee to be discussed

We are seeking Editors who are based in Hampshire, Sussex and Dorset to donate / support the Competition. We are happy to offer marketing, add your logo to FILM EXPO SOUTH website as a supporter and provide social media coverage. Each completed film will be shown at Film Expo South 2018.


The final takes place at FILM EXPO SOUTH on Friday 3rd February 2017 and the dates for filming etc will be negotiated between the Winner and all the Sponsors within the County covering Pre-Production, Production and Post Production.


Based in Hampshire, Sussex, Dorset

For more details, please visit:

We have secured pre-production, production and location assistance and are seeking 3 Editors who would be willing to Support / Sponsor the winners. We are seeking an 3 Editors based in Hampshire, Sussex and Dorset.

If you are a Scriptwriter and are looking to get your script on the screen, check out the prizes for our Short Film Competition, link above.

Express Interest

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