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The Cartographer's Confession (Intro for Audio Book/Tour App, 2017)

Profile for Tilly Karabina
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A new e-book app is being created for virtual walking tours around London. Users will interact with the app, and watch videos, before exploring specific locations.

This project is part of the 'Ambient Literature' Research project being run from the Pervasive Media studio in Bristol.

The aim of the project is to enhance a reader's experience, based on the locations they are in.

This video will serve as part of a story and act as a tour introduction (the video will be embedded in the app.)


(Any gender or age)

Role status:

Closed on 16 June, 2017

In return for:

GBP £200 in total


1 day from 22 June, 2017


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Character: Catriona Schilling. Woman reminiscing about saving some maps from a book shop she once worked at, and the exciting journey it led her on.

What's Involved: 2min scripted piece to camera, to serve as introduction for an e-book London walking tour app.

Age: 34-50yrs

Appearance: Was once bookish, studious, an academic - now a published writer and aspiring filmmaker - successful and creative.

Synopsis: In 1999 the then young aspiring author Catriona Schilling is working in a specialist map shop in central London. The shop is in decline and after a flood the increasingly indebted owner encourages his employee to throw the rest of the stock in the water so that he can claim on the insurance. Catriona goes along with the boss’s request but decides to save some maps for herself: picking up a box sitting on a shelf above the water level she finds it contains a number of items she decides she will look at later. She smuggles the box out of the shop and it stays among her possessions as she moves flat repeatedly. In 2015 Catriona, now an aspiring screenwriter, moves once again and picks up the forgotten box of maps that is falling apart with age. When she tips its content onto the bed she finds that although it still contains the cassettes, photographs, letters and a copy of an old book, the map has gone. She begins the process of digitising the tapes and unpicking the mystery that will become the basis of the film ‘The Cartographer’s Confession’.

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