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In Progress

The Archer (Short film)

Set in the same "Universe" as The Execution. A solo Archer is offered a chance to join a well-established Tribe but she must prove herself worthy

Jack WH Twell Bristol, United Kingdom

I'm Jack, a freelance Producer and Production Manager. My commitment to versatility and dedication drives me to create exceptional work. I'm always open to collaboration, as long as our shared goal is to produce something extraordinary

Heather Lambourn Bristol, United Kingdom

Experienced Actor with professional training. I am comfortable in a leading roles but I am equally committed in any and every role I undertake.

Adam T. Hipwell Unconfirmed

Fledgling Writer Director based in Bristol. Founding member of film collective BARRi Films.

  • Production Designer
  • Costume Designer
  • Actor (Head Guard)
  • Costume Maker

Brandon Bidder Unconfirmed

19 year old Student filmmaker at Screenology in Bristol, I'm primarily interested in fiction filmmaking,

  • Actor (Guard)

Delia Stan Bristol/Cardiff/London, United Kingdom

2024 has been a boring year for me creatively - drop me a message, and let's collaborate!

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