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Teddy Tennis Marketing (Web video, 2019)

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A simple Social Media advertisement I was asked to make for a small business that teach tennis to young children. The photograph and company logo were provided to me and I used them to produce to two images below. The image on the the right is the final version of the advertisement, after I had updated the text to a more bold, bubbly font that made the advertisement 'pop' more.

A few weeks later I was asked to make another Social Media advertisement, which I was asked to keep the design simple (and can be seen below my 2 original pieces) and even a short Social Media video a few week after that, which I made using Adobe Premiere Pro (and can be seen below the images)

Daniel Beadle Bath, United Kingdom

Hi my name is Daniel Beadle and I studied 'Computer Game Arts' at the University for the Creative Arts for 3 years. My main fields are Video Production, Game Development and Digital Illustration and I am confident in my flexible skill set.

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