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Ships in the Day (Short film)

Two strangers meet on a post-apocalyptic landscape, believing themselves to be father and daughter but soon realise their mistake.

Profile for Mark Bowsher
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Clip featured is a rough grade without music and very basic sound design.


Colour Grader / Sound Designer

Role status:

Closed on 11 December, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)

Happy to cover any expenses and hoping to build teams for fully funded narrative projects in the future.


2 days from 12 December, 2023

We're hoping to start sending to festivals early 2024.


Can work remotely

I'm working on a 5 mins short for festivals, 'Ships in the Day', which stars Natasha Patel ('Luther: The Fallen Sun') and need someone to grade the final film as well as a sound designer. It's to help me move back towards narrative after years doing corporate work and I hope to take collaborators with me for future funded work.

Express Interest

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