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Set Adrift (Stage, 2022)

Moving from the city to a beautiful riverside farmhouse, a small family discovers a menacing dystopia which threatens their relationships and sanity.

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To be staged on board the Lightship Theatre in Bristol Harbourside. Set Adrift is an entertaining, densely-woven new comi-tragedy about ‘locals’ and ‘newcomers’ struggling to maintain a way of life that is rapidly being ‘washed away’ by climate change and the modern world. 

Every character (cast of 7) is adrift from their social or geographical origins, either through choice or circumstances. They’re also detached from their own wants and needs: the glamorous couple’s passionate love is just beyond their grasp; Margot wants a man; Lydia misses city life; treasured people are far away; a dead husband and son can’t be reached; communication is strained by culture divides.


The social neglect of rural areas where crime, mental illness and suicide amongst farmers are increasing at an alarming rate; migrants searching for a better world; nostalgia; loneliness; motherhood; the environment.

A Folk Singer, representing the ghost of the former landowner, is the main theatrical binding force; moving songs -  and stories of dragons, river-monsters and ghosts - add a mystical significance to events. The play contains details of age-old farming lore and practices. And cider.


Props and Wardrobe

Role status:

Closed on 20 December, 2021

In return for:

Undecided, to be discussed


5 weeks from 20 December, 2021

One rehearsal 20th Dec 10am - 3pm Rehearsals from Feb 7th 2022 2/3 days a week 10am-3pm Get in March 11th/12th TR and DR 12th/13th. Run 14, 15/16/18/19 March


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Source, organise, maintain and set props and costumes during rehearsals and run

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