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Serve Cold (Stage, 2018)

“Fatal Attraction” for a modern day audience, with a woman scorned at its heart who refuses to be disregarded.

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Performed at Katzpace, London Bridge 19 & 20 August 2018.

Gallery credit: Liz Isles Photography.


Set in present day Glasgow “Serve Cold” centres on Grace and Joy who meet one night by happenstance. The two get drawn into a conversation which leads to a night of confessions and trying to help each other out of their personal predicaments. Joy is unhealthily obsessed with her ex-fiancé who unceremoniously dumped her whilst Grace is a prostitute who would love to give it up but is afraid of the repercussions her pimp will visit on her if she tries. Grace inadvertently enters a deadly pact with Joy in her bid for a new life but all is not as it seems … just how far is Joy willing to go in order to exact revenge?

“Serve Cold” is “Fatal Attraction” for a modern day audience, with a woman scorned at its heart who refuses to be disregarded. A dark comedy that begins a little routinely and would fail the Bechdel Test but has a satisfying and deliciously dark ending.


"The programme notes describe Mark MacNicol’s Serve Cold as a 'cracking wee script' – and I think I’d have to agree.

Serve Cold is the kind of play that’s not that easy to forget. Gripping and disturbing, it boasts two fantastic performances and provides a good amount of food for thought"

Liz Dyer, Theatre Things

"Absorbing, disturbing and laced with unexpected touching moments, “Serve Cold” is a story for our times with a sting in the tail." ★★★ ½

Annie Power, London Pub Theatres

Mark MacNicol Glasgow/Manchester, United Kingdom

Film, Theatre & using Arts to effect positive change for vulnerable and marginalised groups.

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