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Mustang Sienna (2016)

A young girl uses her unexplained powers to prevent a murder in a warehouse

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This is a promotional video for Screenology production company and degree course.

Filming takes place at The Bottle Yard Studios in Bristol on Tuesday 20th September 2016.


Lead Actor
(Any gender or age)

Role status:


In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

We will pay travel expenses; fuel/bus/train/parking to and from The Bottle Yard Studios from within the local area. We will provide food and drinks for the actor and parent/guardian on the day.


1 day from 20 September, 2016

Approx 1.30pm - 6.30pm


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Young Girl with super powers stops a loved one from being run over by an unknown driver and their menacing car in an abandoned warehouse.

This role has no dialogue. Participants will be sent a link to the final version of the video when it is complete and has been released to the public, and welcome to download for use in their personal showreels.

We need a young FEMALE actress who can pass as an 80s middle-school student. (between 12-17yrs of age)
-with parent/guardian consent.

Long light-coloured hair is preferable. Willingness to provide parts/all of costume.

Although this is a no-budget production, it will be run professionally. We need someone who is enthusiastic and very patient and doesn't mind getting cold!

Express Interest

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