A nine-part comedy web series that follows the lives of two best friends as they hilariously navigate their way through their late 20-somethings. A series is in
Hi there,
I’ve written a comedic webseries ‘S#*! Talk', about the wonderfully bizarre friendship of two women in their twenties. The episodes are based on/ inspired by real conversations with my best friend, and is thus a sort of homage to our and all the wonderful female friendships everywhere. It’s a sort of that ‘Key and Peel' meets ‘Broad City’. And I am now looking for actors to help me fill the roles.
We’re looking for 1x Female/Identifying and 3x Male/Identifying actors.
Must be able to edit footage AND sound.
Director and Producer seeking to be directly involved in the editing process, so looking for someone who is willing to work in this way with our production team.