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Two WoC needed for ensemble members for 'Circuit Breaker' @ The Wardrobe Theatre

Role status:

Closed on 28 July, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Circuit Breaker follows the life of two women in a UK prison as they begin to challenge the system that surrounds them. Fires are fuelled, friendships blossom and sisterhood is put to the test. With nothing left except each other, it’s clear the battle is lost, but the war is far from over. Knot Theatre’s debut production explores the complexities of our failing criminal justice system and the power of community in healing from trauma.

Trista and Evangelia are part of the ensemble of the story and are vital to showcasing the day-to-day routines of the women in prison. You'll be appearing throughout the play with additional lines and movement pieces. The ensemble is the heart of the story. Below are character descriptions of both Trista and Evangelia.

Trista’s story highlights the heartbreaking truth of the strain that being imprisoned puts on outside connections and the ability to re-enter society. Many women imprisoned in the UK lose contact with all connections on the outside and Trista is one of those people. She’s severely lonely. She has become fiercely independent but she wants nothing more than to be with her kids.

Evangelia is very creative. She is a Christian lady. She is extremely resourceful and though she doesn't have money, she makes do with what she has. She is intelligent and savvy; she always finds a way no matter the circumstance. She grew up poor and has always found solutions to her problems through creative means.

Express Interest

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