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Pomegranate Juice (Short film)

A young couple's marriage unravels under paralysing financial burden when a rare evening alone erupts into a fierce argument, exposing resentment and blame.

Profile for Charles Hlangabeza


Focus Puller

Role status:

Closed on 02 December, 2024

In return for:

Collaboration (expenses paid)


2 days from 06 December, 2024


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

We’re seeking a skilled Focus Puller for an emotionally charged short film about a young married couple living on the UK breadline. This intimate, dialogue-driven project is reminiscent of Marriage Story, Raging Bull and The Sopranos, tackling tense relationships and financial struggles with a touch of black humor.

Key Details:

Shoot Dates: Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th of December 2024

Location: Bristol, UK

Equipment: DP Working with a Sony A7Siii

Compensation: Expenses covered (e.g., travel and meals) and a chance to work on a meaningful project with an experienced team.

What We’re Looking For:

Experience in pulling focus for narrative projects.

Comfort working in tight spaces with complex blocking and continuous shots.

Ability to collaborate closely with the DP and Director to ensure precision and consistency.

This is a passion-driven, collaborative project with a small unpaid crew. While unpaid, we aim to create a high-quality, heart-felt film, and you’ll play a crucial role in ensuring smooth and precise focus transitions.

Please Send:


A brief note about your interest and availability

Let’s create something incredible!

Express Interest

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