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Penelope's child

A true story of heroic service and personal sacrifice in the cause of liberty, fraternity and equality set in Paris before and during WW2

Profile for Richard Waterborn
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The true story of my mother, a passionate pacifist who worked for the International Peace Committee against Fascism in Paris prior to WW2. At the outbreak of war she joined the Resistance and after being interned in a POW camp, together with a remarkable group of brave and dedicated women, continued to risk her life in hiding Jews and saving them from transportation to the death camps. The underlying personal story of her relationship with a freedom fighter in the resistance, and the child she bore, is one of great sacrifice, betrayal and loss.



Role status:

Closed on 02 June, 2017

In return for:

Undecided, to be discussed

There are currently no funds available for remuneration. Crowd funding or share of royalties are the options presently under consideration


Can work remotely

To develop a screenplay of a true story, currently being written as a book

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