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Role status:

Closed on 31 March, 2020

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)


Can work remotely

Hello Cahootify,

I am a writer and a very very amateur graphic designer. I have two ideas for short zines or comics that I believe are stellar! However I do not have the time or patience to create all the illustrations for them myself, and plus, I would do a half-rate job of it. I am looking to connect with a collaborator, an illustrator that digs the ideas and fancies fleshing out the ideas with me. I normally make theatre but.... yeah... shall I say more?

The two ideas are:

The M-E-M or multi-ethnic man (I have developed a proto-version of him) who is a young liberal so consumed with white guilt that he goes on a murderous rampage, killing all different ethnicities to satiate his guilt. It's kind of a dig/satire for/on cultural appropriation which I think could make an awesome horror story.


The Box-men of the Apocalypse which is a little meatier I suppose but about the end of the world after the virus has killed all of the older generations and thus, the living heirs of knowledge to our generation. The next generation wake up after the vaccine has cured the world and realise the horrible reality that they are now left with the task of writing the future. Somehow these odd socially isolated, technophobic hermits coined 'Box-men' have become living deities for the new generation and they seek to formulate culture around their enigmatic rituals and preachings.

Let me know if this interests you, if you don't understand something and want to know more or anything like that! I am symptom free and want to keep my creative drive alive with ideas that are going to inspire us whilst we are forced to stay inside.

Lots of love


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