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Working Title (Stage - Table Read)

Profile for Arghierenia Kyrimi


Actor | The Protagonist
(Female, 25 to 35 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 26 March, 2025

In return for:

GBP £65 in total


1 day from 02 April, 2025

Wednesday 2nd April, 1pm to 6 pm


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

What: Table read for stage play development

When: Wednesday 2nd April, 1pm to 6 pm

Where: BS6

Fee: £65

Hello all, I am developing a play and are in need of some actors for a table read to help me with the editing process.

Please only apply if you are comfortable with the following:

➡️The table read will be at my house (just north of Redland).

➡️I'm looking for people who are brilliant sight readers. I'm not expecting you to read something new as if you've read it before but if you struggle to sight read new material, this won't work. Please be honest!

➡️The play tackles themes of emotional and physical abuse, cancer, palliative care, death, and grief. There are sexual references and some drug use. Since it's a table read, you won't be asked to reenact any of this, but you do need to feel comfortable reading, hearing, and discussing these themes.

➡️I would like to record the read and accompanying conversations we may have (sound only). This is 100% for personal use only to assist me in the editing process and won't be shared with anyone else.

Still interested? Here's the available roles:

*Ages refer to the ages of the characters throughout the play as it spans five years. You can be any age if you feel you can pull it off.

🔵The protagonist (female, 25-30, born and raised in Bristol to a Greek mother)

🔵The antagonist (male, 46-51, happy with any English accent as long as it's your native, otherwise Standard English) *you'll also need to read for another very small part of an estate agent

🔵The protagonist's mother (female, 50-55, first gen Greek immigrant, ideally you'll have a native Greek accent, if not you'll at least be super familiar with it!)

Please message me with the role you're interested in reading for, link to spotlight or CV, and a sentence or two of why you'd like to help me!

If I get a lot of interest I might ask you to record a short monologue to help me decide (literally just a voice recording with your phone will do and even better if it's not practiced!) I won't be sending the script out ahead of the read but plenty of character info to help you. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Express Interest

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