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North Star (Documentary)

A 3 part comprehensive look at Disabled people, the day to day and challenges they face.

Profile for Benedict Krekorian
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please get in contact through my email:


Disabled Interviewees | Disabled Interviewees

Role status:

Closed on 31 July, 2024

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)

A credit at the end of the documentary.


1 day

The interview will occur over a zoom call, for a preplanned one day which I will arrange separately for each individual wanting to be involved.


Can work remotely

I am looking for people to be interviewed over Zoom for a documentary looking at Disabled people. This is for Part 2, Disabled Identity.

I am looking for people from diverse backgrounds, people who are Deaf, disabled and Neuro-Divergent to take part.

This is an unpaid opportunity but will be credited at the end of the documentary for your contribution.

If you want more information about the documentary as well as the prepared interview questions, please reach out.

Express Interest

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