In Progress
A new way to source and hire film and video equipment. Find kit local to you and rent directly from other filmmakers and freelancers.
MyKitPlace is a new sharing marketplace that allows you to hire equipment directly to and from other filmmakers. Think of it like an AirBnB for camera and video equipment hire - so you can make a booking directly with another freelancer that has kit to offer. We are looking to create a similar community of users in the UK. The big advantage is that it's quick and easy for people to find what kit is available in their area and make a booking request all on one platform. The site is backed up and moderated by the Gear Factory in London - a rental house I’ve been involved with for many years. We made the site coming from a professional rental background, and hope it makes sharing your own kit a safe and easy process.
Comedy actor, writer & performer with the critically acclaimed comedy act, The Real MacGuffins. (The rest of the time I'm managing a series of websites, proving content and digital strategy.)