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Moonraker Pre-Vis (Web video)

An animated Pre-Vis remake of the opening scene of Moonraker (1979) in the style of Christopher Nolan.

Profile for David Bryer
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The final product for this project is a 3 minute Pre-Vis animation. The original 1979 scene was an inspiring action sequence in terms of its events but the execution was by modern standards, a little wooden.

The artistic aim of our animation will be to keep the events the same, but to update the style and execution to that of Christopher Nolan. A director who has cited 70's Bond films as a major inspiration. The ultimate aims of this project are:

  • Promote the skills of those involved.

  • Raise interest in Tabb and Bristol-area film making resources.

  • Make Pre-Vis more accessible to film makers creating outside of a large studio.

For more information on what Pre-Vis is, and what the final animation will look like please visit:

Please be aware that the purpose of Pre-Vis is not to be a broadcast product in its own right, but to give the production crew and director the clearest visibility as possible on how to execute expensive scenes.

Please feel free to contact me through Tabb with any questions and interest, even if it doesn't relate to a specific role.


Dave Bryer


Voice Actor | RAF Lieutenant
(Male, 20 to 40 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 17 October, 2024

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)

I am looking to establish a roster of voice artists for possible future Pre-Vis work. The intention is that those projects will be paid.


2 days

Probably 3 hours. May be required to film self on phone while doing the voice acting.


Can work remotely

RAF cargo plane co-pilot to the Captain role.

Express Interest

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