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Inspired! (Parts 1-10: each with an Episode Title)

Each series episode on dreams and their value is both a documentary and entertainment to ensure the educational part of the video is absorbed smoothly.

Profile for Alan Harmony
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Each series piece is filmed in different (usually international) locations, however some of the episodes (and dreams related to them) will overlap in terms of the events involved, locations etc. They are based on the practical use of dreams condensed in

UK 2 episodes (coastal and midlands)
Canada 2 episodes (Our HQ and in Vancouver)
Japan 1 episode (Shikoku)
Canary Islands 1 episode (La Palma)
USA 4 episodes (3 coasts and near Everett WA)

The objective is to film preteen kids (or existing footage) telling their dreams. Children do not realize what they are seeing means something other than what they 'see' in their dream. The analogies, symbols and plays on words make the message of the words describing their dreams significantly different to the reality. In reality they are foreseeing like Joseph did in Genesis, however the words they use may include supporting information for a real future event, often of concerns to life. It is like Joseph did when he interpreted the pharaoh's dream to be a caution of a long famine 7 years in the future and on which he acted and kept the people of Egypt from dying of its consequences.

Our objective is to take the analogies of those cautions and knit them into a tangible or usable message for a larger population (our video's audience) to act on in their own defence or safety. As the basis for the overall message is words, we as documentarians must be able to convey the cautions in a variety of visual ways and clues to generate action to significantly reduce or stop any loss of life due to disasters' (future, not yet occurred and avoidable or avertable) consequences. Our job is to provide corroboration of the certainty of the event, and the more difficult part, establish the date and time of such events using the primarily analogical (as opposed to literal) content of dreams.

Obviously the value in doing these documentaries is that they be made available prior to the event so people can act in their own best interests. The first episode may not be well-responded to prior to the event but picks up very wide audience after it, however it is certain any future ones would be well watched and acted on in advance. Here's an example of dreams being recorded AFTER a tragic event in Aberfan Wales, unfortunately no one accumulated the dreams PRIOR to its occurrence nor acted on the analogical information so lives were needlessly lost. See or the embedded clip.

As the series gains attention and generates revenue the number of people being credited for content in it increases.

The output objective is to supply a new episode every week with a short filming and editing period.

PS. If you are a person with a life-threatening or debilitating health concern and are willing to recall and record your dreams our method of using dreams makes it entirely possible we can determine what the nature of the concern is and what needs to be done to end or remedy it. It may require a change of diet, habits or therapies. We do not normally advocate invasive means, however if your dreams do we would support that (via someone qualified to do so). Only one of our members is a licensed medical practitioner and he's in Moscow presently.

We would like to use your health concern and related dreams as content for an episode (with your permission and cooperation). The person in whose footsteps we follow had a 99% success rate, in 7700+ cases treated and remedied before antibiotics, by using a form of visioning to diagnose and remedy health concerns.



Role status:

Closed on 05 July, 2016

In return for:

Paid, fee to be discussed

We're applying for grant funding and may be able to up this offer. However whether it comes through or not the 'show must go on'. We know that once the episodes are made available publicly there will be a sizable audience, increasing in size once one or more of the 'events' takes place. At that point your pay will be better and more certain as the rest of the series materializes.


3 months

Each episode has a time frame within which it must be made public. The term Deadline applies for some episodes we do not want to see that become a reality.


Can work remotely

This is a great job for someone who realizes that dreams are an inspiring goldmine. We convert the dreams of preteen children into tangible results that an average person can take as advice and act on with the greater objective of saving lives, inspiring inventions or discoveries, ensuring safety or good health. You may be behind the camera, on a computer editing, interviewing, checking locations, lighting or sound, getting supporting shots and scenes or any other function needed to fulfill the creation of the documentary. Can you do it? Only you know for sure. If you are unsure of your ability to fulfill all the needs and roles of creating a documentary, we may take on one or two people willing to do it for Love and Learning.

Express Interest

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