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Heaven's Gate (2016)

Period Drama in 30 Seconds

Profile for Tilly Karabina
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We are shooting 30 second promotional video for Screenology.

Concept: a lone rider gallops across the Wiltshire countryside. We see them in slow motion and as the camera draws away, Longleat House is revealed in the background. (the rider is wearing period costume) eventually the camera raises high up to reveal an extensive camera crew filming the scene.

Filming Location: Heaven's Gate, near Longleat Estate, Wiltshire.


Actor/Horse Rider
(Any gender or age)

Role status:


In return for:

Undecided, to be discussed


1 day from 08 July, 2016

9am - 11am.


Based in Wiltshire Area, United Kingdom

We are looking for an able horse rider, male or female, to take a lead role in a 30 second promo we are making for Screenology.

The role requires wearing period costume, and galloping across the fields near Heaven's Gate, Longleat.

The film will be shot using a drone, so being confident controlling the horse is really important. We are also looking for a well-behaved trained horse (not skittish to load noises or throngs of people), so if you have a horse you know well and are comfortable with - please let us know!

Express Interest

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