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blackout (Short film)

After a group of friends take Xanax, one of them ends up dead. Liam tries to recall the night's events to piece together what happened to his best friend.

Full Project Team and Needs


Actor | Oscar
(Male, 20 to 26 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 20 March, 2024

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

Food and drink will be provided. Transport will be compensated within reason.


3 days from 15 March, 2024

It will be 3 days between 15th March and 24th March


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Oscar takes command of every room he enters. His entertainingly personable demeanour puts everyone at ease and he spends his time at the centre of every conversation. This reputation has meant that Oscar has grown entitled and he’s known to act selfishly on occasion; through ignorance rather than malice.  The brunt of his ignorance tends to fall on his long term girlfriend and business partner Mia and over the years it has only grown worse. He loves Liam like a little brother and always feels the need to look out for him although he seldom listens to his advice, right as it may be.

Express Interest

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