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Film Bored (Short film, 2017)

A satirical take on the world of movie studios and how executives make decisions on what the next studio blockbuster will be.

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This part of the short movie 'FilmBored' was made in the summer of 2017 at the Elstree Dreamcatcher Filmcamp. My role in this short was writing parts of the script, directing, producing and also some camera work. I helped develop the movie in all the behind the sense facets that most interest me in the film making process. 'FilmBored' was created over a week at Elstree Studios when a group of film enthusiasts decided to take the plunge and make our own short with the guidance of people already within the industry. 

The Film its self is about, what some people see, as the new monotonous age of cinema where it seems as though every big studio is making the same movies, extending existing franchises or recycling genres that appear to be doing well financially. This movie shows the inside of one of these studios with a satirical humour. This part of the movie shows how creativity in this studio is running low and how the president of the studio is desperate for another ‘big hit’ that will save his job and thus the studio itself.

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