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Actress wanted for showreel scene | Catherine
(Female, 25 to 35 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 23 October, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

Food and Expenses. Quality showreel Material


1 day


Based in London, United Kingdom

I am an actress shooting a short showreel scene in mid-October in south-east London and am looking for another actress to collaborate with. The scene involves a difficult relationship between 2 sisters. I am looking to cast an actress aged mid 20’s to mid 30’s to play the younger sister Catherine.

Character Breakdown

Catherine Is the youngest of 2 sisters, aged between mid-20’s to mid-30’s. Cath had a difficult childhood, she was shy and sensitive growing up and was diagnosed with dyslexia amongst other things. She had a rough time at school particularly at secondary where she was bullied. She is dealing with ongoing depression which stems from the fallout of her childhood experiences and also from the death of her mother 10 years ago, who she spent the last few months of her life caring for. After having spent the previous year and half out of the contact wth her family whilst backpacking around the world. Catherine arrived at her sisters place out of the blue and has been sleeping on the sofa for the last 4 months. Beth Beth is Catherine's older sister. She had a lost/ turbulant time in her late teens and early 20's but has now settled and is married with a child. She is also now a qualified nurse. Although they grew up together, in many ways she had it much easier than her younger sister. She left home at a young age and was able to escape from the family dynamics.

Express Interest

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