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Role status:

Closed on 10 October, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (profit share)


Based in Bristol/South west, United Kingdom

Maybe you've got a short film idea you want to get off the ground? Or a project that you need talent for, but haven't got the budget? I am willing to help you for free, in return for support with editing my video podcast.

As an experienced short film and commercial producer, Voiceover artist featured on National TV commercials and experience in acting + presenting, there are a number of ways I can help you - If you can help me :)

The show is targeted towards Young men and aims to reduce isolation and loneliness among them.

A great opportunity for an upcoming editor to get experience in a podcast capacity. Also a good opportunity to enter the social enterprise sector focusing on wellbeing and mental health.

You can view my portfolio to get an idea of where my work has featured, and the potential opportunities for exposure and networking. I want to work WITH you! In a way that benefits us both :)

As a producer, I also have paid opportunities that often arise. Although this personal project is a skill share, I am on the lookout for reliable editors that I can call upon when paid opportunities come up. Do bear this in mind :)

If interested, feel free to pop me a message. Would love to chat with you more :)

Express Interest

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