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Egg Shaped Cube (Short film)

In an abandoned cinema, a man meets the ghost of his future self. They fall in love and come to realise she might not be a man after all.

Profile for Vivian Barton
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Producer/ Collaborator

Role status:

Closed on 05 January, 2024

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)


I'm hoping to shoot it sometime in January or maybe February of 2024 as long as we can find people.


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

I'm currently looking for someone who can be as interested in completing this film as I am, who can help me with the organisational side of things (planning shoot days and timings and helping everyone get reimbursed wrt expenses(as in help everyone get the correct money, not to pay them out of your own pockets) and such) as I am hopelessly disorganised. I'm willing and expecting to put money into this project but unfortunately I don't really have enough to pay anyone real wages unless you have experience and think we could try and aim for funding from somewhere. I do however have a location in mind that I already have access to for very cheap (possibly even free) as long as we let people know what we want to do enough in advance. We can definitely shoot this very cheaply if we're smart.

Also, a script is attached to the parent project if you didn't realise.

Express Interest

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