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Domiciliary (Short film)

A couple reaches breaking point in their relationship.

Profile for Michael Worthington
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Alex and Emma have been trying desperately to heal their relationship with couples therapy. Having been given instructions by their therapist, Emma comes home to find that Alex has consciously chosen not to follow through. The evening then quickly unravels. 

Note: The film is to be shot as a continuous take, starting from when Emma enters their flat. 


(Female, 25 to 35 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 31 March, 2020

In return for:

Undecided, to be discussed

Ultra-low budget film. Fee to be discussed.


2 days from 16 May, 2020

Shooting dates 16/17 May. Rehearsal dates to be determined in the weeks preceding shoot.


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Name: Emma

Role: Lead. Alex's partner

Emma left her life in acting to pursue what most of society would call a 'real job', for the sake of keeping a roof over her and Alex's head. Years of neglecting her passion and feeling trapped has left her feeling resentful and angry, and yet she feels there's nothing she can do about it. That resent and anger has been taken out on her partner, Alex.

Age: Late 20s, early 30s.

Accent: British/unspecified.

Express Interest

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