Doubting his criminal lifestyle and tormented by betrayal, Bernie seeks revenge on his treacherous former partner...
Bernie seeks revenge on Roger, his former deceptive criminal partner. Although Charmaine, intimately pursued by Bernie, is eager for him to leave his unlawful life in the past. However Bernie cannot get over Roger’s betrayal and has been waiting for his time to act on his revenge. When Bernie hears of a large farmhouse being targeted by Roger, he decides this is his time to launch a vengeful attack.
An inspiring filmmaker who's determined to prove his worth in the industry. @Screenology
I am a student studying at Screenology film school and am interested in developing all of my filmmaking skills. I aspire to be a film producer.
10 Years on the stage and now I'm looking for something spicy, super spicy like a jalapeno.... Oh yeah that would be nice!
A motivated and aspiring director working towards a job in the film / television industry