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Corrosion (Short film)

An exciting new short film that explores the life and passing of an elderly man with Empath powers and the depleting control he has over them.

Profile for Kegan Kenniford


(Male, 60 to 70 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 01 December, 2018

In return for:

Partnership (unpaid)

Can offer free headshots and a great working experience.


2 days

Filming 5th/ 6th of December (can be flexible)


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

An elderly man with psychic empathy powers, whose mind is slowly decaying. In his
prime, he was able to have full control over his abilities, using them to do good in the world.
However, due to aging, dementia, and the trauma of losing his wife, he is no longer in control of
his volatile abilities and has become a danger both to himself, and those around him. He very
rarely wishes to appear vulnerable, yet the facade of an uptight elderly gentleman sometimes
slips, inadvertently. His ability to see into the past has influenced his mindset, as he seems to
be overly wistful and plaintive.

Express Interest

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