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Caviar (Short film, 2023)

Set during one shift at a fine dining restaurant, working-class waitress Sarah explores the social class divide between her and the upper class.

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This 10-minute short film explores the profound social class disparities that permeate British society.

Sarah is a dedicated working-class waitress at an upscale restaurant in the heart of London, England. The film unfolds during a single shift, juxtaposing the opulent dining hall with the gruelling kitchen where Sarah toils.


Actor | Matthew (Restaurant Manager)
(Male, 25 to 38 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 24 November, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

A meal with cold or hot drinks available on set, travel expenses paid for, and a copy of the film for your showreel.


2 days from 26 November, 2023

26th November 27th November


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Matt is the manager of this restaurant. He worked his way up from server, and has got himself a comfortable position of authority and what he believes to be a position of respect amongst the staff. Though he doesn’t especially care what they think of him, his concern is with the customers, though more so with the investors. He has no loyalty to a member of staff for the mere reason they work for him, no, they are pieces on a board he moves to make money and keep his comfortable position. Though he wishes they could be more like inanimate pieces he could move, instead of the people with lives and opinions they continue to insist are essential. He’s not a jerk, at least he doesn’t think so, he just has to make the more challenging decisions and make sure everyone is happy, even if that upsets a few people in the process. He truly believes his job is both harder than anyone else’s, and that no one knows that.

Abuser of power, self-obsessed, bootlicker.

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