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Caviar (Short film, 2023)

Set during one shift at a fine dining restaurant, working-class waitress Sarah explores the social class divide between her and the upper class.

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This 10-minute short film explores the profound social class disparities that permeate British society.

Sarah is a dedicated working-class waitress at an upscale restaurant in the heart of London, England. The film unfolds during a single shift, juxtaposing the opulent dining hall with the gruelling kitchen where Sarah toils.


Actor | Reginald
(Male, 38 to 60 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 24 November, 2023

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

A meal with cold or hot drinks available on set, travel expenses paid for, and a copy of the film for your showreel.


3 days from 26 November, 2023

26th November 27th November 29th* November *We aim not to shoot on this date, but due to the unpredictability of our set and situation, or in case of other inevitable circumstances where we go over time, we ask certain actors to be available on this day. However, actors will not be brought in on this day unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Supporting Documents

Reginald is a successful businessman with a successful marriage and a successful family. His accomplishments define his life, lending him a sense of arrogance to those he views as less successful. He views his own life as one he grafted to form, though in truth, he was handed much of what he has. From this belief, he undervalues anyone who is not as accomplished as himself (by his standards), especially those who serve him daily.

A conservative voter, misogynist, arse of a man.

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